There are no drive through movies in hawaii.
You aren't very likely to see a drive by.
But you can drive by the same souls made broken by the stray bullets of one night stands.
She wont say it
but my memory is the biggest mistake she ever made in ewa, palolo and kaimuki.
Not every person who sleeps for a night knows it wont last.
And I've learned you can tell one night stands from relationships by the speed.
And -------,
she liked it fast.
Quick and passing.
i liked it slow
and reoccurring.
We didn't match.
But i was determined to make our pieces fit.
I wanted to lock into her.
So i would kiss her as slow as she would let me
and between breaths i would let her sleep.
She had a problem with brutal honesty
And because of it
Im sure
She faked orgasms more than i would fake smiles when she would leave.
We didn't match.
But for some reason her beauty made me think we could.
There are no drive through movies in hawaii
but every time we made love there was a movie playing
and our love shaked the floor
made quakes enough
if you closed your eyes tight enough you might feel like you were moving.
She moved me
all the way to California
and there are still night when I sleep in my lofted dorm room bed and I can feel her breath upon me
college has taught me
sometimes orgasms sleep walk and talk
and sometimes they scream
sometimes they crawl their way under your skin
and wait for the next time you are lonely just to taunt you
because I woke up last night in orgasm
Too scared to open my eyes to be proved of your absence
So I covered my body with my hands
Pretending I had twice then I was born with
I spend my nights in the dark trying to trick myself
Empty space
I’ve created a new you in califronia
Almost as fulfilling to embrace
But my bedding doenst touch back
Doesn’t kiss me unless im sleeping
Leaving only memories behind
And im tired of broken breathes
I want cohesiveness
I want those nights back
With the tv playing nothing but silence
While songs of fool making played to our love playing
I want you back
There is no ending here
There is not closure
You aren’t close enough for me to cut these strings
And im not sorry
There is no anger
Just you, I and the truth
And im sorry
Im sorry I wasn’t enough to make you want to be part of the honesty too…