Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Day 252: For Clara
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Day 251: Remember
I’ve never seen someone crack from a word
At least not that one
Like she did
I saw her pupils split
Turn to oceans
My fingertips are still eroded from the salt
The rush was slow
But I saw the sea train down her cheek
Showing the tracks of past conversations
Broken tongues and promises
Where the metal had scraped her skin free
Sometimes we forget to love the ones we love properly
Sometimes its easy to forget that someone had a past before you
Until you run right into it
Find your face flattened by someone else mistakes
their misplaced attention
And still you become the one holding your foot in your mouth
Your heart in your hand
Good intentions spitting through you
But Something’s need more delicacy than I can provide
My hands are rough
And strong
Sometimes I am not as gentle as I intend to be
My strength is deceiving
Some words run like oceans with out guards
And I’ve learned even the simplest truths need delicacy
So the next time I speak
I’ll funnel my words straight to your heart
Where it’s safe
Where you can hold it
and remember
Monday, March 29, 2010
Day 250: maybe
Sunday, March 28, 2010
day 249: sleepwalking
Saturday, March 27, 2010
day 248: perfection.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Day 247: winter

the bags under my eyes are heavy with the weight of two hearts hanging in the balance
Thursday, March 25, 2010
day 246: practice
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
day 245: Forgot
If you look close enough
Everyone becomes a stranger
And in airport terminals
The pretty faces are the most foreign
We chase them like street lights
They’re the only things that make us stop like traffic
We watch the faces leave
And take the last bit of excitement with them
Somedays, I pretend to be one of those pretty faces
Strut talent like outward appearances
My beauty is deceiving
Your attraction
Obstacle illusion
You wont feel this way in the morning
We will just be strange faces held to memory
The next time I see you
I’ll ask you why you look so familiar
You’ll think it’s a pickup line
But really
I just forgot
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 244: lost looking
Monday, March 22, 2010
day 243: /
Sunday, March 21, 2010
day 242: idk
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Day 241:deserving
Friday, March 19, 2010
day 240: confusion
Thursday, March 18, 2010
day 239: sun
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
day 238:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
DAy 237: frozen
Monday, March 15, 2010
day 236:
Sunday, March 14, 2010
day 235: in hawaii
In Hawaii
Children learn to show face at an early age
Keep their hands tight to their brown bodies
Color in the lines
The island is too small to risk saying the wrong words
Believing the wrong beliefs
We hide behind our inability to live up to our potential
I am reminded again on how this island’s politics have infected our souls
and Our hearts break in the aftermath or indecision
For the first time since I was born
I am ashamed to be from Hawaii
Ashamed of what it has become
ashamed to be represented by a government
that is too selfish to show their politics on the matter of Civil Unions
as a means to protect their own seats
the silence in these islands is defaning
and our children are growing up thinking that ignoring a situation is problem solving
we know better than to think that this apathy is anything better than bigotry
we are all waiting for someone to step up and give up their face for what’s best for this community
you see
In better times, we would hope for good leadership.
But at times like these,
plain leadership will do.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
day 235: retunring
the smell
and unpleasant
the man beside me has harry arms
crocked teeth
he is unpleasant to touch
it is all unpleasant
i am tired
haven't slept well in months
but this seat is uncomfortable
unpleasant if you will
i am going home
the only way i know how
with dry tear ducts
an open heart
and a suitcase full of expectations
my baggage is heavy
walking this way is uncomfortable
i've got my music on my back
i wish i could play and sing and walk and carry myself to the curb
but i cannot
i go to the gym daily
but i am weaker than i have ever been
my bones are torn
it is painful most days
to exist
this way
i eat only when i am in pain
love only when i am drunk
or optimistic
it feels the same
my arms are open
i am retunring
the feeling in my stomach is less than unpleasant
but its good to be home
Friday, March 12, 2010
day 234: ending
But I am hoping
There is a 12 year old girl out there who hears this
And through these words knows that she is not alone
That’s its not just her and a god that doesn’t exist in this world
Both selling themselves short
Beautiful girl
There is a goddess under your skin
She lives there as long as you let her
And whenever you second-guess yourself
God is still breathing
If he can make it
So can you
Thursday, March 11, 2010
day 233: for the house of representatives
In Hawaii
Children learn to show face at an early age
Keep their hand tight to their brown bodies
Color in the lines
The island is too small to risk saying the wrong words
Believing the wrong beliefs
We hide behind our inability to live up to our potential
I am reminded again on how this island’s politics have infected our souls
and Our hearts break in the aftermath or indecision
For the first time since I was born
I am ashamed to be from Hawaii
Ashamed of what it has become
ashamed to be represented by a government
that is too cowardly to show their politics on the matter of Civil Unions
as a means to protect their own selfish interest
Shame on us all for allowing such hatred to exist—and for allowing others to think that their apathy translates to anything less than pure bigotry.
In better times, we would hope for good leadership.
But at times like these,
plain leadership will do.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
day 323: in progress
James says some nights
He can hear Jessica tap dancing on his scull
She is easels paintbrush dancing on his memories
Rhythmic broken screaming in his eardrum
When do you sleep James?
When are your thoughts silent enough to dream to?
Does Jessica ever feel like a lullaby?
James the last time I held you
it was two hours until night
two hours until I could feel your mind flip
dive into conversations one after the other
with persons stuck somewhere in the space between your ears
dancing along the place where your thoughts use to be
james calls his mother dreamer
and she tells him at sunrise
there is nothing in the dark of your mind
but he
he knows she doesn't know what teddy bears turn into in the dark
at sunset
she only sees her son turned christopher robin holding childhood too tight
and jessica is the only one who never forgets to kiss him goodnight
sometimes james mothers forgets what name he answers to so she slings silent prayers to her son
there is no room for more voices between his ears
there is already too much clutter there
james whats it feel like to fear everything
the sound of your breath
your own heartbeat
are you ever afraid of your own reflection
convinced that you are not there today?
They say skitsofrania is is a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality.
But reality
Reality is not being able to sleep because there is someone tap dancing on your skull
Is loving your self so much that you don’t know how to survive the pain of no one agreeing with you
Is a 12 year old boy sitting alone at lunch
Left with nothing but his perception
Maybe we are all seeing something from the wrong angle
Maybe today james is sane
And we are all blocking out consciousness in fear of being too james like