To the love i had that i never wished to set
I am afraid, during daybreak to have lost part of you in the darkness
That’s where we hold our love, hard, broken
During sunrise
Some mornings I pretend to forget the way you touched
As to pretend you were never here, that way, its easier to be whole
But The feeling only last as long as a breath
The sunset, falls like im short during the night on breath
That is where I find you. In between horizons, fighting the darkness
You lay among severed bodies taunting them with your heart whole
Everything but you in this world is ugly broken
But you, you are still golden, platinum as if un-touched
on the good days, you call yourself sunrise
There are women who close their eyes to you, sunrise
Afraid to lose their breath
Everyone wants to leave something behind without being left behind or touched
it is the only thing we share in this darkness
our fear to show our hearts broken
but here it takes too many lies to be whole
I don’t remember being whole
I was never that well put together, not like the sunrise
But what does it mean to be broken
If we somehow still have our breath
Maybe we are sitting in the wrong shade of darkness
Just waiting for something to touch
Do you remember the first ting you broke from a single touch
How you thought dying was the only way you’d never again be whole
Before you learned no to let the world speak to you in darkness
Remember you were born a sunrise
Your mother watched you grow from her own breath
There is something beautiful in you, even broken
I have heard a story of the broken
The ones everyone fears to touch
So they hide themselves in their breath
Pretending to be whole
your mother told me thats why she birthed the sunrise
It was the only way to break the darkness
I think that’s why we love the sunrise
Why it always takes our breath
Because we owe it so much from leading us away from the darkness
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